Expectant Mother
"My husband Todd and I are excited to be expecting our first child, a little girl, in less than two months. Health and wellness has been a focus of mine throughout my pregnancy."

Ex-Handball Pro
"It had to happen–I had to kick my unhealthy eating habits and step up the workouts to get fit. So I started paying attention to my nutrition and I began running, one step at a time."
Good Health Became a Family Affair
"To say nutrition has always been a part of my life is somewhat of an understatement. When I was twelve, my grandmother passed away from complications of Type II diabetes. By the time I entered high school, my mother had received her diagnosis."

Undoing an Unhealthy Lifestyle
"At 35 years old, I was 235 lbs. and well overweight. According to the BMI, I was obese. I was low on energy, lacked ambition, physically inactive, stressed at work and had an awful diet. I had also just been blessed with a new baby girl. I was drinking lots of beer, eating plenty of very unnatural foods and felt horrible. The worst part was, I didn’t even really see or understand the problem!"
In good shape behind the camera and before the camera
"I am a photographer, 36 years old and found myself trapped in my daily routine. My breakfast used to consist of three chocolate bars from my good old friend the vending machine at work. Every morning. Every single morning. As a fashion photographer I am used to working with perfectly shaped bodies every day. And my models are not necessarily younger than me."

Owner, - Miss California 2013
"As an entrepreneur, it’s important that I maintain a balanced life. Running a startup tech company, though rewarding, can be stressful and time consuming. Therefore, I prioritize my health with habits that help me keep up with the pace of a growing business."
Loser (of 13kg in only 5 months) - Winner (against his middle-age slump)
"They say it’s never too late to change. I am a normal, regular man trying to cope with work, family and life in general. When I was young I was really fit, I played rugby and cycled. As I matured, life caught up and so did the weight."

Training harder, eating smarter to compete in toughest endurance sport.
"Having played a lot of different sports growing up, without a doubt, water polo is one of the most physically demanding. Going into these past Olympic Games in Rio – my third time representing the United States – we started training back in January, six days a week for six to eight hours a day."
Life Delivered a Wake-Up Call
"My life was very busy and hectic prior to dropping the weight and getting back into shape. I was always finding excuses why I couldn't get into the gym or why I couldn't do this or I couldn't do that. "

Finding Confidence Outside Her Comfort Zone
"I hated my body for as long as I can remember. By 11, I was already hiding my body in baggy clothes and comparing myself to skinny friends. I was very aware others saw me as 'chunky.' Even my father, on more than one occasion, would point out my 10-20 extra pounds."
Big Changes for a Former Athlete
"Before I lost the weight, I struggled with normal, everyday tasks. It was hard to walk up a flight of steps, bend over and tie my shoes, and it was very difficult to do my daily job as an elementary PE teacher and coach."